There are several ways you can help us address food insecurity in our area:
Support a school’s effort to start a Helping Hands program chapter with needed start-up supplies ($3,000);
Help feed a child and family at a participating school ($30/mo or $360/yr);
Help feed all families at a participating school ($1,500/mo or $15,000/yr);
Help a school district maintain the program and get needed supplies and food;
Buy t-shirts, establish monthly giving programs through www.helpinghandsendinghunger.org/donate
Coordinate an employee/community food drive to collect needed food for a participating school chapters;
Volunteer at one or more of our region’s mobile food pantries;
Donate to our Scholarship Fund recognizing and rewarding Helping Hands graduates who either are leaders in our program or participate by receiving food;
Donate to our ESTHER initiative and provide direct support to a family in crisis.
Thank you very much for your consideration. Together, we can #feedchange. If we can get you plugged in, please reach out!